“Zargon Oscillator Prose” – NEW ALBUM OUT NOW!
“Zargon Oscillator Prose” – Valve/MGM out NOV 10 https://ffm.to/zargonoscillatorprose
DIGITAL https://regurgitator.bandcamp.com
& VINYL pressed on coloured recycled vinyl https://www.valverecords.com.au/shop/
Crazy time is comin’ your way… some psych rock radness is steppin’ from the phaser shimmers of BEN ELY AND THE MUNGO FUNGO BAND with the fully throned peak out that is “Zargon Oscillator Prose” – album out NOV 10 via Valve/MGM. And to map this stratosphere Ben is gonna launch this proton thrill with a live oscillation of shows together with you. Get tuned and fully oscillate! Let your mind fry and just soak in the feels.
Ben is more generally known for his work with the band REGURGITATOR over close to 30 years now as well as a myriad of projects over the years (Pangaea, Brokenhead, The Stalkers, Jump to Light Speed, Radio 5 etc), with the past years spent on a large amount of time writing and recording material for contemporary dance and theatre shows. He has also chanelled that energy into solo performances and three albums thus far – with the more recent THE GOLDEN PATH, previous release STRANGE TALES OF DRUGS & LOST LOVE and the debut release GOODBYE MACHINE. Touring with Dan Kelly as well as playing Island Vibe and Dashville Skyline festivals in past incarnations.
Ben thinks mungo fungo…
“Finding ways to connect with friends can be deeply satisfying and many people connect in various ways. Some people play golf for extended periods of time. Some people go to Drag racing, Furry conventions or maybe even play a fine and wholesome game of Dungeons and dragons.
Mungo Fungo as a group that takes great pleasure in connecting socially in a tiny sound proof garden shed for regular Tuesday night freestyle jams. Once we hit 9.30pm we are very self conscious about upsetting the neighbours with our amplified guitar rock so we switch to the quieter format of analogue synthesisers and play and record long into the night. No songs are pre written or arranged. Oh no no no…
Everything you hear on Zargon Occillator Prose comes out of a need to connect and create happy accidents which are the songs you will find on this record! We hope you enjoy these little paintings we curated for the gallery that is you mind.
Launching this album with some hot nights guesting with YOU AM I
THUR 30 NOV Cleveland Sands, Cleveland
YOU AM I with Ben Ely & the Mungo Fungo Band
Tickets https://tickets.avclive.com.au/outlet/event/0fb9ff34-24f9-4d58-84e5-73f57150a198
FRI 1 DEC The Triffid, Brisbane
YOU AM I with Screamfeeder and Ben Ely & the Mungo Fungo Band
Tickets https://moshtix.com.au/v2/event/you-am-i-the-yous-pull-up-their-troos-tour/157192
SAT 2 DEC Miami Marketta, Gold Coast
YOU AM I with Ben Ely & the Mungo Fungo Band
Tickets https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/6c568358-8ab3-49d1-b793-e94695609a40
SUN 3 DEC Kings Beach Tavern, Caloundra
YOU AM I with Ben Ely & the Mungo Fungo Band
Tickets https://tickets.avclive.com.au/outlet/event/4c1adc23-d65d-4779-8e2d-a662204c3a04
Let’s fully oscillate friends.

BEN ELY AND THE MUNGO FUNGO BAND “Zargon Oscillator Prose” – album out NOV 10 via Valve/MGM.
DIGITAL https://regurgitator.bandcamp.com
VINYL https://www.valverecords.com.au/shop/
STREAMING https://ffm.to/zargonoscillatorprose
Available in multidimensional coloured recycled VINYL from https://www.valverecords.com.au/shop/