CUSTARD respects the tour…
“The ambition is ambitious… there is no doubt about that.”
East coast band Custard are preparing to embark on a staggering run of shows to promote their, now rather stale, 2020 album “Respect All Lifeforms”. “Sure, I admit we have pretty much missed the boat on this one and it feels like we are pushing our old shit up a rather steep incline” said lead singer Dave McCormack, “but we hope there are enough old bastards out there who will be willing to spend their hard earned cash to see us play a bunch of songs that are about 30 years old”.
“We have been infuriated by the lack of attention given by the mainstream media to our extended hiatus” reported lead guitarist and band accountant Matt Strong. The band intend to purchase a string of bus shelter advertising space. In an heated telephone exchange, bassist Paul Medew said “We believe that is the future for us. Social media isn’t really our thing. Our groundswell support comes from public transport clients. We know that for a fact”. At the last AGM, Custard shareholders expressed their disappointment with Big Tech’s coverage of the band’s sabbatical and unanimously decided spend up big on bus shelter advertising and possibly a letter box drop.
Taking big steps requires genuine commitment and if the direct intention is to future proof the musical environment these specialists spend their lives immersed in then we must embrace this moment and reshape all forms into a highly impeccable amalgamation. Respect is earned off the back of collective wellbeing. Custard will take whatever they can and bring you to this new level. We thank you for your custom.
As a brief segue – the video planner for latest tune COUPLES FIGHT was captured during the recent lull in activity. Taking advantage of a brief loophole the group adjourned to a tightly limited capacity local club and did what they do best – respect all lifeforms. Find your table, pull up a seat, sit back and enjoy the shadow play.
CUSTARD respects the form of 2021 tour.
FRI 30 JULY – BADLANDS Perth “Badlands 5th Birthday Party” Doors 7.00pm plus guests TURNSTYLE, LONESOME DOVE and TANAYA HARPER Tickets from https://badlandsbar.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/0655dbb7-102b-4058-9b59-76fec369f520
SAT 31 JULY – RAILWAY Fremantle Doors: 7.00pm plus guests TURNSTYLE Tickets from https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/1c3e47f6-2df6-49ef-ba87-7b06020d4e49
SAT 7 AUG – BASEMENT Canberra Doors: 7.00pm plus guests Tickets from https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/7bc43f68-8e17-4cdd-9a2d-4abd2537ff9b
FRI 13 AUG – MIAMI MARKETTA Gold Coast Doors: 7.00pm plus guests BEN ELY BAND and ADELE & THE CHANDELIERS Tickets from https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/fcc88e12-1eb4-4185-ac7c-4d9848ffac6b
SAT 14 AUG – THE TIVOLI, Brisbane Doors: 7.30pm plus guests ADELE & THE CHANDELIERS and GREG BRADY & THE ANCHORS Tickets available on MAY 28 from https://thetivoli.com.au/https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/event/13005AB5CE1857BF
SUN 15 AUG – SOL BAR Sunshine Coast Doors: 6.00pm plus guests BEN ELY BAND Tickets from https://solbar.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/62c7f01d-579e-4093-999d-93e275a246cd
THUR 19 AUG – WESTERNPORT San Remo Doors: 9.00pm plus guests THE FAUVES Tickets from https://westernporthotel.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/bbc93b2f-4ffc-4cba-aa2d-f1adf4a517de
FRI 20 AUG – WOOL EXCHANGE Geelong Doors: 8.00pm plus guests THE FAUVES Tickets from https://woolexchange.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/677726e7-c8b9-443e-b2b3-9c1fab0c693a
SAT 21 AUG – THE CORNER Melbourne Doors: 8.30pm plus guests THE FAUVES and… Tickets from www.cornerhotel.com or 1300 724 867 https://cornerhotel.com/gig/156443485677/
THUR 26 AUG – THE ENMORE Sydney “THE LIVE PRO FORMA SHOW” with REGURGITATOR and FRONT END LOADER Doors: 7.00pm Tickets from https://www.enmoretheatre.com.au/https://premier.ticketek.com.au/shows/show.aspx?sh=REGURGIT21 – NEW DATE SAME TICKETS!!!!
SAT 28 AUG – THE GOV Adelaide Doors: 7.00pm plus guests Tickets from https://www.thegov.com.au/https://thegov.oztix.com.au/?Event=126310
FRI 3 SEPT – ROYAL OAK HOTEL Launceston Doors: 7.00pm plus guests THE NAMESAKES Tickets from https://royaloakhotel.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/74dbb879-50c3-4926-88a5-4d26b71011aa
SAT 4 SEPT – REPUBLIC BAR Hobart Doors: 7.00pm plus guests THE NAMESAKES Tickets from https://moshtix.com.au/v2/event/custard-respects-the-form-of-2021-tour/128796
SUN 7 NOV – SCENE & HEARD Wickham Park, Newcastle NSW Tickets from https://www.sceneandheardfestival.com.au/
SAT 27 NOV – SPRING LOADED Hastings Foreshore Reserve, Hastings VIC Tickets from https://www.springloadedfestival.com.au/
“Not everyone has to get on the bus for the bus to leave the station,”
Twenty twenties RESPECT ALL LIFEFORMS had its genesis in Perth, where Custard was booked to play a festival in March 2019. Not due on stage until the evening, Glenn booked the band into Fremantle’s Poons Head Studios. By day’s end, they had eight songs, six of which ended up on the record. It was a magical session, which included an unforgettable encounter with an enigmatic character named Cowboy John, who wandered into the studio. He provided the album title and ended up on the cover. David, Glenn, Paul and Matthew have been called many things during their storied career – indie-pop weirdos, the kings of kitsch, Australia’s pop jesters, and “as a band, they are a little like a mullet in reverse: party up the front, all business at the back”. But eighth album Respect All Lifeforms shows they’re just a damn fine pop band. As Glenn declares, “I like to dance around to almost any sound.”
Respect All Lifeforms out now on ABC MUSIC https://ABCMusic.lnk.to/Respect https://www.abcmusic.com.au/discography/respect-all-lifeforms https://www.custardband.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CUSTAR0/