Supersonic, Consume/TOURism present
plus guest TBC
Doors 7.30pm
Tickets from
And also direct from the venue:…/sales…/113081
‘Stranger Tourist’ 13-Year Anniversary Solo Tour 2023
Go Fund Me Launched for Fiona Kitschin
‘Strange Tourist’ reissue is available August 25th
“Superlative…Liddiard’s screeds demand and reward the listener’s full attention” Mojo
“Superbly engaging…crystalline and austere.” The Quietus
“This modulation is part of what makes Liddiard a good storyteller, and perhaps what he has over the others: the ability to sustain a story.” Kill Your Darling
“As you guys know, late last year Fi was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and has been getting treatment since January. We were given an initial plan that took her treatment up to late October 2023; however, a few weeks ago, we received the news that she will now have to undertake treatment until the end of April 2024, which has completely fu*ked us up financially. We have had to cancel eighteen months of international touring for TFS and are doing what we can here in Australia around Fi’s treatment to play shows, and I will be heading out on a solo tour this November. When we first announced Fi’s diagnosis, we were inundated with offers of help, which we truly appreciate, but wanted to wait to take those up until we really needed it. And now we really need it.
We have set up a Go Fund Me that you can access here if you feel inclined or can’t make it to the solos shows. We really appreciate all of your love and support, Fi is staying strong and positive and she will see you all on the other side once we get her all fixed up. And I’ll be seeing some of you in Australia in November.”
Gareth will be heading out on a solo tour to celebrate the 13-year anniversary of his solo LP ‘Strange Tourist’. Why the 13-year anniversary? Well Joyful Noise are reissuing ‘Strange Tourist’ on vinyl because you guys demanded someone do it, and 13 is a really lucky number that everyone else fails to celebrate! ‘Strange Tourist’ hits stores August 25th, you can pre-order from Joyful Noise now –
‘Strange Tourist’ is the stripped-down acoustic offering from one of our most critically acclaimed, peer-revered songwriters and frontman of cult acts Tropical Fu*k Storm, The Drones and Springtime. It was recorded in 2010 by the talented Burke Reid. The reissue is a double gatefold vinyl featuring remastered audio by the master of mastering Aaron Cupples and new album art. ‘Strange Tourist’ is an uncompromising narrative work that demands the listener’s full attention, more than rewarding them for their efforts. Australian fans will be able to see it in live form, intertwined with musings and stories delivered in a fashion only Gareth Liddiard can.