QUAN… launches the night cream range into synthesized space and time.
Open up your hoses as wide as they can possibly go.
Take this feverish sweaty hand and….
As youth evaporates through the hurdle of time we are left to linger in the salve of the tropes that grew amok in our cultural evolve. The creams of generations generously applied to moisturise our temporal trajectories. For the first time in quite sometime… well since 2008’s The Amateur that is – Quan ala regurgitator finally returns to the solo gallery to pastiche up some of that electro pop palette.
The NIGHT CREAM EP is loosely based on an early 80s musical movie starring Michael Sembello, as Ed Strimmer a working class, weightlifting trainer/dance instructor whose business is struggling to compete with a nearby, state of the art gym run by some total douchebags played by Van Halen. Gary Numan stars as enigmatic time traveller, Zoff, accidentally sent back from the year 2246.
Trapped in 1984, with no money and no way home Zoff finds himself living on the mean streets of LA. Mistaking Zoff for a European computer game programmer down on his luck, Ed befriends him and gives him a job setting up the MS-DOS admin computer at his gym. Lucky for him, Zoff has a real talent for making insane technological advances to Ed’s workout equipment. Pretty soon everyone who’s anyone is flocking to train there, giving Gym Halen a real run for their money and a real reason to find out exactly what’s going on at Ed’s place.
Anyway… it’s a good movie and I hope you like the EP.
QUAN – Night Cream out now!
featuring Baddest Bitch, Pop Life, Believer, Umami, W.O.W. and Caught Up.
Pressed up on creamy recycled vinyl along with creaming on the digital salon.
QUAN – Night Cream
EP release SEPT 1
Vinyl at record stores via MGM and mail order here: https://www.valverecords.com.au/shop/
Digital https://ffm.to/quannightcream