Heading up to the top end in late August to play UNIT at the DARWIN FESTIVAL – which appears to be headed for a sell-out! On top of this we have graciously received a rather special invitation to venture further north to Nhulunbuy and perform at EAST ARNHEM LIVE. Incredible honour during this year of national debate around the first nations voice to parliament referendum. And we get to play with such an incredible lineup.
Arnhem Land’s most awesome music festival levels up for 2023!
1000 kilometres by dirt road to Darwin, East Arnhem Land may be isolated geographically, but it’s a long standing musical hotspot, home to Yothu Yindi, King Stingray, Gurrumul, Baker Boy and many many more. East Arnhem Land is now host to a 100% FREE 4-day music festival.
Yolŋu bands from across Arnhem Land join with a raft of interstate heavy hitters to create
East Arnhem Live 2023 – a festival that could only happen way out in Arnhem Land.
-Aussie legends REGURGITATOR headlining, with Maningrida’s all-female RIPPLE EFFECT fresh from their launching their new album.
-Coming from interstate are Sydney’s JULIAN BELBACHIR and Adelaide’s SLOW MANGO, with
Indigenous female rapper KOOTSIE DON flying in from Darwin.
-MANUEL D, lead singer of Saltwater Band drops in from Galiwin’ku, while East Arnhem’s hottest
property, the ANDREW GURRUWIWI BAND return home after a run of national festival shows.
-Local punks MR CHRISY MERTAS, Ezy 5’s CEDRICK MARIKA, and DHABANBAL, daughter of
Yothu Yindi frontman Mandawuy Yunupiŋu, will hit the stage with her new full band.
-Also up are Yirrkala’s own Haitian DJ mastermind VOODOO DRED, and the NT Battle of the School Bands winners, Nhulunbuy’s 7-piece female rock act QWYA.
-Finally, local traditional owners, the RIRRATJINGU CLAN, will perform a welcome buŋgul at the main event.
OPENING NIGHT – Thursday 24th AUGUST 2023 – Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Stage, Yirrkala
NIGHT #2 – Friday 25th AUGUST 2023 – Maŋarr Office, Gunyaŋara
THE MAIN EVENT – Saturday 26th AUGUST 2023 – Hindle Oval, Nhulunbuy
CLOSING PARTY – Sunday 27th AUGUST 2023 – The HOG Shed, Nhulunbuy
Info here https://eastarnhemlive.tumblr.com/