We, as the band formally known as REGURGITATOR, spell it out in an allout annual roundup!
First and foremost, we just wanna say big thumbs ups for the pleasure of your support and engagement with our musical indulgences over 2023. It does not come without the goodness of your hearts and interest. For that we applaud you all!
And as surely as we head in that repetitive summer infestive season on the roll of a big barrell of heat we wish you all a great headful of fun! And in tandem with that sentiment we get to have some fun frolicking across the stages of merry a festival or two this next few months. Come a funnin’ with us!

All rolled up into the end of the year is Woodford… last time we played this feels like maybe a decade or two ago. Okay – DEC 28 2003! Twenty years ago now. Let’s freshen things up! And what the hell… CUSTARD are joining us. Bring your spoons!
SAT 30 DEC – Woodford FOLK FESTIVAL, QLD Grande stage 10pm
Info here https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme/
Then we hurtle highspeed into the future that 2024 will bring upon us – we have been offered an headlining activation on the CITY OF FOOTSCRAY New Years entertainment in Melbourne – and free entry at that. And mighty fine timing at 8.30pm so turn up the dials before the night runs riot. See you in the park along with THE MERINDA’S and more…
SUN 31 DEC – Melbourne New Year’s Eve 2023 Fireworks in Footscray Park, Maribyrnong City Council VIC – FREE!
And then from there driving headfirst into 2024… here we go da’ springloaded! So super keen to bounce back onto the big springboard and join hands with this sweaty celebration of 90s goodtime Australiana! Let’s go Darkinjung “…will once again become a rock ‘n roll mecca when Regurgitator, Jebediah, Shihad, Magic Dirt, Frenzal Rhomb, Screamfeeder and Caligula take to the stage to belt out all the hits.”
SAT 10 FEB – Springloaded GOSFORD
Entertainment Grounds, Gosford / Darkinjung Country
Presented by Empire Touring and Triple M
Tickets here https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/event/13005F46E3BF4FB1
Then we head off with the birds you say… what else could one do but go bush after the shape of the weekend. We love the freedom and flight of birds and how they all live together co-existing freely filling the air like one big fluid caring family. And in the name of all birds… pack your swag and let’s flock together on Yorta Yorta Country for the 2024 RIVERBOATS Music Festival. See you there along with Riverboats Music Festival Peter Garrett Tim Rogers Russell Morris Folk Bitch Trio and more… thanks for having us.
Echuca-Moama, Yorta Yorta Country
Tickets are on sale now via www.riverboatsmusic.com.au
And then it goes and gets all HEXADECIMAL. Leave you all to bask in the gold of the plains… turning more colours that one could ever imagine. Hell of a year thus far. The energetic are palpable.
Sixteen comes in all flavours of FUN. A haven if you want. A deviation if you need. Ample space to wibble. A soundtrack built for wobble. Same size, same shape, no commercial sponsors, free range camping, BYO everywhere, the No Dickhead Policy, One Stage Fits All The Gold.Two days and two nights at the Meredith Supernatural Amphitheatre, with controls set for the heart of Premium Mode.
And finally we take a drive down deep south to Mt Gambier – first time in a very long time. Seems like it was in the Shadows way back in the 90s even. Anyway we get to play down that way with a really great lineup…
SUN 10 MAR – Mt Gambier BEER & BBQ FEST
with Magic Dirt, The Smith Street Band, Bad//Dreems, DEM MOB and more
Info and tickets here https://www.beerbbqfest.com.au/
Get ready Mt Gambier as the Beer & BBQ Festival is rolling into town, heading to South Australia’s Limestone Coast for the inaugural South East Beer & BBQ Festival! Bringing with it everything you love about BBF! SEBBF is stoked to announce a stellar lineup! Headlining on Saturday, March 9th, The Smith Street Band, Bad//Dreems, The Pretty Littles, Blush & LOLA, and Sexy As Shit. Sunday brings ARIA Award winners Regurgitator, Magic Dirt, rising hip hop stars DEM MOB, electro talents Tonix, and local heroes Stokes. Hosted by the legendary Mr. Henry Wagons.