welcome to the orbital sounds of hotmagnets
From the outer realms of Sekiden comes the magnetic pulse of hotmagnets.Such warm polarities of oscillating diodes crest the waves of the hotmagnets sound.
It started with a Fuzz when I was 15, then a phaser, a flanger, and a chorus… strange sounds!I was hooked. I would obsessively hunt down dusty drum machines, creaky organs and wobbly vintage synths in Pawn Brokers, OP Shops, Garage Sales and dumps!
SATELLITE – The first switch is flipped with this liquid jam oozed into the orbit of a tropicalia from space.Vocals icing this carefully composed gem come by the ever talented starwand Seja Vogel.
hotmagnets debut single Satellite – out JUNE 25
Full digital array here: https://ffm.to/hotmagnetssatellite
BANDCAMP https://consumevalve.bandcamp.com/track/hotmagnets-satellite
Omega Chemicals drifts in from the synthesis. Album out JULY 16
PREORDER vinyl here – https://www.valverecords.com.au/shop/ – available chemically clear or fusion hotpink with bonus floppy disk featuring special bonus track A PRAYER FOR TINNITUS.
hotmagnets album Omega Chemicals – JULY 16